Empirical Macroeconomics Reading List
Part 2: Structural Econometrics
Lecturer: Paul Söderlind
Stockholm School of Economics
October 28, 1996
Note: * denotes required reading.
1 Regression Analysis with Endogeneous variables and Rational Expectations
- * Green chapter 20.1-20.4 or Hamilton chapters 8.2 and
- * Blanchard and Fischer (1989), Lectures on
Macroeconomics, pp. 279-288, 356-361.
- * Deaton, A. (1992), Understanding Consumption,
63-70 and Chapter 3, Oxford University Press.
- * Mishkin, F.S. (1983), A Rational Expectations
Approach to Macroeconometrics, Chapter 2, NBER.
- Flavin, M.A. (1981), "The Adjustment of Consumption
to Changing Expectations about Future Income," Journal
of Political Economy, 89, 974-1009.
- Hall, R.E. (1988), "\Intertemporal Substitution in
Consumption," Journal of Political Economy,
96, 339-357.
- Lafontaine F., and K.J. White (1986), "Obtaining Any
Wald Statistic You Want," Economics Letters,
21, 35-40.
- Newey, W.K., and K.D. West (1985), "A Simple
Positive Semi-definite, heteroskedasticity and
Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix," Econometrica,
55, 703-708.
- * Greene (1990), Econometric Analysis, pp.
117-123, and 370-381, MacMillan. OR
- * Hamilton (1994), Time Series Analysis, pp.
409-434, Princeton University Press.
- Mankiw, N.G, J.L. Rotemberg, and L.H. Summers (1985),
"Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics", The
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 225-251.
- Davidson and MacKinnon (1993), pp. 583-621, Estimation
and Inference in Econometrics, Oxford University
- * Christiano L.J., and M. Eichenbaum (1992),
"Current Real-Business-Cycle Theories and Aggregate
Labor-Market Fluctuations," American Economic
Review, 82, 430-450.
- Hansen, L.P., and K. Singleton (1982), "Generalized
Instrumental variable Estimation of Nonlinear Rational
Expectations Models," Econometrica, 50,
- Ogaki, M. (1993), "Generalized Method of Moments:
Econometric Applications," in Handbook of
Statistics, vol. 11, Elsevier.
- Campbell J.Y., and N.G. Mankiw (1989), NBER
Macroeconomics Annual, 185-216.
3 Kalman Filter and Structural Time Series Models
- * Harvey, A.C. (1981), Time Series Models, Ch.
4, Philip Allan Publishers Ltd. OR
- * Hamilton (1994), Time Series Analysis, pp.
372-408, Princeton University Press.
- McGrattan, E. (1994), "The Macroeconomic Effects of
Distortionary Taxation," Journal of Monetary
Economics, 33, 573-601.
4 Extracting market Expectations from Financial Prices
- Söderlind, P. and L.E.O. Svensson, "New Techniques
to Extract Market Expectations from Financial
Instruments," mimeo.