February 24, 1999


John Hassler

Fabrizio Zilibotti, and

Gisela Waisman (TA).


Reading list and course plan spring 1999

This is the first in the two course sequence in macroeconomics. This sequence is compulsory for doctoral students at SSE/SU. The course will not follow any textbook strictly. However, as a student of macro, you should have access to a number of textbooks. Here is a list of books we will make use of and which we think may prove to be of value for you, during the course or later.

This is a good and comprehensive text on growth. Another useful recent book, which covers a broader range of topics and which will be particularly important to those intending to pursue research in growth-related areas (although it will be of limited ues in this macro course) is

If you are interested in international macro, you may want to buy

A book that provides a good introduction to many topics and often a somewhat less formal presentation is

A general, and good macro text that you certainly may have use for is


provide a deeper and more rigorous treatment of many of the topics and can be recommended to the interested student.


References with stars (*) should be read by everybody. The students who plan to specialize in macro should also read all journal articles. We are also providing extensive lecture notes, which you hopefully will find useful.

In addition to the formal requirements, Micro I-II and Matfu I-II, we assume familiarity with intermediate macroeconomics, at least at the level of:

I. Consumption, Fiscal Policy and Risk

A. Consumption and the Current Account

1. The intertemporal consumption choice under uncertainty

* Lecture Notes

* Hall, R., 1978, "Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle Permanent Income Hypothesis," Journal of Political Economy, December, 971-87.

* Blanchard, O. and G. Mankiw, 1988, "Consumption: Beyond Certainty Equivalence" American Economic Review, May, 173-177.

* Kimball, Miles, 1990, "Precautionary Saving in the Small and in the Large", Econometrica, 58.

2. A stochastic model of a small open economy.

* OR, Section 2.1-3

3. The Lucas Critique Some Empirical Consumption Puzzles

* Carrol, C., and L. Summers, 1989, "Consumption growth parallels Income Growth; Some New Evidence," NBER Working Paper No. 3090.

* Campbell, J., and A. Deaton, 1989, "Why is Consumption so Smooth?", Review of Economic Studies, 56, 357-374.

* Caballero, R., 1993, "Durable Goods: An Explanation for Their Slow Adjustment," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 101, No. 2, 351-383.

* Lucas, R., 1976, "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique", Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 1, 19-46.

Campbell, J., and A. Deaton, "The Response of Consumption to Income: a Cross-Country Investigation," European Economic Review, 35, 721-.

Mankiw, G., 1982, "Hall’s Consumption Hypothesis and Durable Goods," Journal of Monetary Economics, 10, 417-25.

B. Fiscal Policy, Life Cycles and OLG Models

1. Ricardian Equivalence with infinite lifes or altruism.

* BX, Ch. 4 (Sect. 4)

Romer, D., 1995, Ch. 2 (Sects 7-9) in Advanced Macroeconomics, (McGraw-Hill).


2. Fiscal Policy in a Small Open Economy OLG Model.

* OR, section 3.2-4.

Diamond, P. (1965), "National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model", American Economic Review, 55.5, 1126:1150.

Romer, D., 1995, Ch. 2 (Sects. 1-6, 14) in Advanced Macroeconomics, (McGraw-Hill).

Samuelson, P.A., 1958, "An Exact Consumption-Loans Model with or without the Social Contrievance of Money," Journal of Political Economy, December, 467-482.

3. A Large Economy OLG Model – fiscal policy and dynamic efficiency.

* BF, Ch. 3

Diamond, P., 1965, "National Debt in a Neo-Classical Growth Model", American Economic Review, December, 1126-1150.

Persson,T., 1985, "Deficits and Intergenerational Welfare in Open Economies," Journal of International Economics, 67-84.

Samuelson, P.A., 1958, "An Exact Consumption-Loans Model with or without the Social Contrievance of Money," Journal of Political Economy, December, 467-482.


C. Asset Pricing and International Risk Sharing

1. CAPM and the Lucas Tree Model .

* Lecture Notes.

*BF, Ch 10 (Sect. 1)

* Lucas, R., 1978, "Asset Pricing in an Exchange Economy", Econometrica, November, 1429-45.

* Mehra, R. and E. Prescott, 1985, "The Equity Premium: A Puzzle", Journal of Monetary Economics, 145-62.

* Mankiw, G. and M. Shapiro, 1986, "Risk and Return, Consumption Beta versus Market Beta", Review of Economics and Statistics, 68-3, 452-59

Romer, D., 1995, Chapter 7 (Sect. 5) in Advanced Macroeconomics, (McGraw-Hill).

Sargent, T., 1987, Ch. 3 in Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, Harvard University Press.


2. International Risk Sharing

* OR, sections 5.1-3.

French, Kenneth R. and James M. Poterba, (1991), "Investor Diversification and international equity markets.", American Economic Review, 81, 222-26.


II. Economic Growth

A. The neoclassical Growth Model

1. Some stylized facts about growth.

* Lecture Notes.

*BX, Introduction

AH, Introduction

Baumol W. "Productivity Growth and Convergence: What the Long-Run Data Show", American Economic Review, 76, 5, 1072-85, 1986.

Maddison A. "Phases of capitalist Development", Oxford University Press, 1982

2. The Solow Model; exogenous technical change.

* Lecture Notes.

*BX, Chapter 1

* Solow R. "A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth", Quarterly Journal of Economics , 70, 1, 65-94, 1957.

* Mankiw D., D. Romer, and D. Weil "A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107, 2, 407-38, 1992.

AH, Chapter 1.1 and 1.5

Barro R. "Economic Growth in a Cross-Section of Countries", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 2, 407-43, 1991.

Grossman G. and E. Helpman "Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy" (Ch. 2.1), MIT Press, 1991.

3. The neoclassical growth model with optimizing agents (Ramsey model).

* Lecture Notes.

* BX, Chapter 2

AH, Chapter 1.2

Cass D. "Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation", Review of Economic Studies, 32, 233-40, 1965

Grossman G. and E. Helpman "Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy" (Ch. 2.2), MIT Press, 1991.


B. Endogenous Growth

1. The AK model.

* Lecture Notes.

* BX, Chapter 4.1 and 4.2

AH, Chapter 1.4

Rebelo S. "Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth;, Journal of Political Economy, 99, 500-21, 1991

Romer P. "Capital Accumulation and Long-Run Growth;, in Barro R. (ed.) "Modern Business Cycle Theory;, Basil Blackwell, 1989

2. Learning-by-doing (Arrow-Sheshinsky-Romer).

* Lecture Notes.

* BX, Chapter 4.3

Sheshinsky E. "Optimal Accumulation with Learning-by-Doing", in K. Shell (ed.) "Essays on the Theory of Optimal Economic Growth" Cambridge, 1967

Romer P. "Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth", Journal of Political Economy,94,5,1002-37, 1986

Grossman G. and E. Helpman "Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy" (Ch. 2.3-2.4), MIT Press, 1991.

3. Government and Growth.

* Lecture Notes.

* BX, Chapter 4.4

Barro R. "Government Spending in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth;, Journal of Political Economy, 98, S103-S125, 1990

4. Growth with expanding variety and imperfect competition.

* Lecture notes

* Romer P. "Endogenous Technical Change", Journal of Political Economy, 98, 5, S71-S102, 1990.

BX Chapter 6.1

Grossman G. and E. Helpman "Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy" (Ch. 1 and 3), MIT Press, 1991.


C. Real Business Cycle Models

1 Stylized facts

* Cooley T., and E. Prescott, Ch. 1 (Section 1) in "Economic Growth and Business Cycles", Cooley, T. (ed.). Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, Princeton University Press.

* Romer D., 1995, Ch. 4 (Section 1) in Advanced Macroeconomics, (McGraw-Hill).

2 RBC models

* Cooley T., and E. Prescott, Ch. 1 (Sections 2-8) in "Economic Growth and Business Cycles", Cooley, T. (ed.). Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, Princeton University Press.

Lucas, R., "Understanding Business Cycles," Carnegie-Rochester Series on Public Policy 5, 7-29.

McCallum, B., "Real Business Cycle Models," in Barro, R. (ed.), Modern Business Cycle Theory, Harvard University Press.

Romer D., 1995, Ch. 4 (Sections 2-10) in Advanced Macroeconomics, (McGraw-Hill).